Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Thankful Day Two

Today I am thankful for rose bushes that were slightly rotten. Sounds like a weird thing to be thankful for right?
My house had seven rose bushes in the front yard when I moved in. I destroyed  removed two of them last year. Axes and a sledgehammer were involved- It was hard work! Kyle brought me home a bunch of tulips from Amsterdam this summer and I want to plant them, but they are going where the rose bushes are. So I had to remove all but one of the remaining six bushes.  I went to town on the first one- the one next to the driveway, but after digging and hacking with one of Kyles outdoor knives I couldn't get it to budge. I couldn't find the ax so I put it on the back burner and moved on to the next three bushes. The Soil in front of our front window has always been very loamy and soft. I started digging and the bush started wiggling! YAY! So I rocked it and dug some more and just PULLLLLLED! The entire freaking bush came out!! (happy dance!!!) In less than ten minutes of work! the roots were a little rotten so they broke easily. The front of our house is now nice and ready for tulips.  So I am very thankful for slightly rotten rose bushes that made an afternoons worth of work SO MUCH EASIER.

If you are really curious, you can see what was there before in THIS PICTURE

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