I am a horrible blogger!
I think its because I don't have a baby anymore. Babies do new and fun things everyday. 4,7,9, and 10 year olds? Well they are lucky to see new days. HAHAHAHAH just kidding! (kind of)
Quick run down.
Tyler turned four! YAY for four! Pictures are here He is still bored at home with me all day. Since I have started reading a bunch lately, we make lots of trips to the library. Our library sells donut holes for $1.25 for 15. Tyler has been eating lots of donut holes. He is spoiled. SPOILED! Since I discovered that Im madly in love with the guy Im married (Im sure I knew before, but I remembered in October) We have been going on dates for lunch during the week since its a lot cheaper than trying to go on dates at night. Tyler comes with us. Dude has eaten more fast food in his life than my other kids combined. Tyler likes to slyly tell us the car needs gas when I drive daddy to work because Daddy is a sucker and buys him donuts at the gas station. (and its called the donut store now, not the gas station) Before you get alarmed, Tyler eats very healthy snacks and meals at home, he doesn't just eat donuts and fast food. He just gets more than any of my other kids ever got. In fact he gained ZERO lbs between his 3 year well child check and his 4 year well child check (he is still 98%) Ty is officially signed up for preschool for the '12-'13 school year. He will be going the same place Kate and Drew went. We also discovered that Tyler is very afraid of black lights and fake fog (We went bowling and he was having grand old time, then all of a sudden not so much fun. Poor kid sat under the table begging to leave as soon as they turned the cosmic bowling stuff on)
Dylan turned 7! SEVEN! thats only a year away from 8! Pictures are here Dylan had a party last year, so no friends party this year. We did however go to Papas pizza and he got an awesome Master Chief Cake. Dylan got to go to some taekwondo classes at school this winter. He LOVED them. He go his own Gi and he got to break a board. I don't know what else to say about him that is new. He still loves soldiers, Halo, legos, pushing peoples buttons, speaking with a very LOUD talking voice, and saying "oh man!" when anything hard is asked of him, and charming all the ladies. He is also still devilishly handsome. However he STILL hasn't lost any baby teeth.
Kate got to have a dance dance birthday party this year. Because of mom and dad being out of town and then easter and other things we didn't get to party until April 14th. OOPS! We did celebrate on her birthday with a family party though. so she got two cakes! Nothing much new here either. Basketball finished, She had an entry in this years science fair, and is still doing piano.
Andrew did not have a birthday. He is still ten! YAY like with the other kids, not much is new. He is still in scouts, basketball finished, and he has dropped from the 80% for weight last year to the 30% of weight this year. He has started walking home everyday from school with his friends. Its a pack of 4 boys. Im not sure how I feel about it. The walking itself doesn't bother me, but the friends are....... well...... ten year old boys (ifyouknowwhatImean).
I think our biggest news comes from Kyle. Its really exciting... Its been a long time coming...It should make him feel much more loved........ drumroll please********
After six years as a Sr. Production artist, he is now a technology manager in the tech initiatives group!!!! With that comes some new responsibility and a nice little pay raise. Mostly he is doing the same thing he has been doing for the last two years, he just now has a job title that actually matches what he does.
My parents earned their sainthood the last weekend of March and watched my kids for two nights so Kyle and I could have a little weekend in Seattle. We went to a movie, went to Emerald City ComiCon, and just spent some time sans kids. (it was very nice!)
News in my extended family
My sister Lori is pregnant and will have baby 3 sometime around halloween. YAY FOR BABIES!!!
My mom got a new knee last week. The old one went kaput, so now she is bionic grandma. She is slowly but surly recovering, but she won't be going back to work this school year.
My dad RETIRED!!! I can't believe he is so grown up! One minute my dad had brown hair and was driving a bus, and next thing I know his hair is white and he is retired. My brother made a cute video to celebrate his 22 years of driving buses for TriMet.
Great Grandma and Grandpa Green made a little stop here in town and stayed with us for the night. I think it was the first time they had met Tyler. Im glad my kids got to see them since we don't seem to manage to make it down to St George where they live.
So much for this being short. But hey, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit right? ;)
lol, that's a bit hilarious that so many birthdays passed during a single blogging hiatus. I'm glad you got 'em all covered though. And three cheers for kyle and becky! Oh and me, thanks for the shoutout! :)
Thanks for the update (especially for those of us who don't have facebook!) You have such a great family - can't believe how big the kids are getting, and congrats to Kyle on the job stuff!
Cute kiddos! We need to see them more often . . . in real life ;)
lol, that's a bit hilarious that so many birthdays passed during a single blogging hiatus. I'm glad you got 'em all covered though. And three cheers for kyle and becky! Oh and me, thanks for the shoutout! :)
Thanks for the update (especially for those of us who don't have facebook!) You have such a great family - can't believe how big the kids are getting, and congrats to Kyle on the job stuff!
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