Saturday, July 23, 2011

Utah Trip Day 1& 2

Kyle got off his plane from Amsterdam at 11:00. We were on the road to Utah at 2. It was a busy day for him. Two countries (not including the ones he flew over) and two states. Traveling with kids is such a pain. I used to do the drive from Provo to Portland in 11.5 hours. It usually takes us close to 14. I had a thing in Salt Lake I wanted to get to by five on the 2nd, so Kyle consented on hopping in the car right after taking a trans-Atlantic flight.

Day One was pretty boring. We hit a traffic jam outside of portland that held us up for an hour or so, but other than that the drive was pretty typical .

I want to take a second to give mad props to our car. Ive done this drive probably 20 times in my life. There are points all along the journey were my family's car had broken down as a kid, or where a car had over-heated trying to go over the Blue Mountains when I was older. Our old van does it without the thermometer even moving.  This may seem silly to those who have never had chronic car problems, but to someone that spent a portion of what it seemed like every vacation sitting on the side of the road waiting for help, this is HUGE.

We stayed the night at Kyle's Aunt MaryAnne's house in Ontario, and ment to get on the road fairly early the next day. Well, I had a sleepless night, and Kyle had jet lag, and the kids were having fun with relatives (Kyle's Aunt Deanne was also staying at MaryAnne's house) So we ended up not getting on the road till later than we wished. Then we had to stop eighty times for kids to go potty, and I finally caved and realized we werent going to make it to my thing in Salt Lake. So instead we stopped at some of the sights between here and there (this is the middle of Idaho, so really there arent all that many sights. lol)

A detour to Malad Gorge and another to Shoshone Falls broke the day up nicely.

We made it to Springville just in time for dinner.












Lori said...

I feel the same way about driving long trips and being happy with a car that has no problem with it. I'm glad your trip down was decently good. That's fun that you stopped off at those places! I've heard of them but never taken the time to see them myself.

Chris Kline said...

Totally get the whole appreciate-a-reliable-car thing!