Tuesday, July 12, 2011

RIP Finney, Sunny, and Shiny…

We came home from vacation to find that our 3 fishies have passed from this life. They were good little fishies. They were the first pets my kids ever knew. Their lifespan of three years was mind blowing considering they were 10¢ feeder fish some young women had picked out to be a center piece on some tables for a “manners dinner.” I would like to thank the fish for giving me something for the kids to practice their handwriting (they are all writing stories about what they liked the best about the fish) and for giving my exhausted brain an idea for a family night (off to Petco to pick out two new fish for our family)
May you rest well Finney, Sunny, and Shiny. And may you swim always in that giant fishbowl in the sky (that must be close to filled to capacity by now)

ETA- We did have someone coming to the house to feed the fish and the Cat. So I didnt leave them to starve to death for 12 days lol

1 comment:

Sierra said...

:-( Sorry to hear about the fish. They've gone to a better place now and will have lots of fish-y frinds to keep them company.